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Report for chasing supplier overdue orders

Posted: Tue May 13, 2008 7:21 pm
by coldrick

Do you have any standard reports available that can be used to chase supplier overdue orders?

Repport 308 is close, but it doesn't show the Suppliers Part number.

I attempted creating one using the wizard but I failed miserably. Couldn't find a wizard that linked to the STALTPC.DBF database and had a heap of trouble trying to link to it myself in the form body.

If you don't have a standard form available could you please give me a clue how to link to the STALTPC.DBF in the form body, or is there another way? I noticed that purchase orders themselves link to a field called SUPPCODE which is supposedly a Purchase Order Items Field, but it looks like purchase order items are kept in SOSTOCK.DBF and it doesn't contain SUPPCODE.

I then searched the DATA_DICTIONARY and couldn't find SUPPCODE anywhere.

Or can you suggest a better way of chasing overdue orders?

Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 10:33 am
by COBS Tech Support
Using the Report Wizard, "Purchase Orders Pending" would probably be the one you require.

Sostock->Delivery = expected delivery date
Sostock->Qty = quantity ordered
Stostock->Qtyd = quantity delivered

So you need to check:

Val(Sotock->Qty) > Val(Sostock->Qtyd)

for all undelivered items.

Also confirm that the order has not been closed or cancelled by checking for the status:

Sorders->Status = (status code)

The product code is Stock->Name

Are you querying STALTPC because you want to display your supplier's product code and not the system default code? (If so, you need to know a little bit more about the structure of that table, which we can help you with.)

Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 11:13 am
by coldrick

Yes it's so we can show the supplier their own product code. I have the structure of the table but the indexes are all multiple field indexes and I'm not sure how to set them all up in the form body properties.


Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 5:56 pm
by COBS Tech Support
Two things you need to add to your report:

1. On the Links tab on the body properties section of the report add under:

Database + Key


Then under:



Save this link addition and then add this formula to your 'supplier product code' column:

STALTPC->(Find("S" + Sorders->Socode + Stock->Name))
Return STALTPC->Altcode

Remember that next to "Code" you need to enter a variable name such as "SUPCODE" in order to change a field column into a formula column.

Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 1:01 pm
by coldrick
Yep, that works. Thanks.