Sell price & quantity on reports with box conversions
  • Matt
    Sell price & quantity on reports with box conversions

    by Matt » Tue Oct 31, 2006 1:53 pm


    I'm trying to write a report that correctly lists the quantity sold and the sell price for the items stored in the back order control centre. The QTY and SELLPRICE fields don't give me the correct information when the unit of measure is different. If I sell in a box quantity I still get the standard unit quantity. How would I calculate this correctly on a report?
  • COBS Tech Support
    Joined:Fri Sep 09, 2005 8:23 am

    by COBS Tech Support » Tue Oct 31, 2006 2:14 pm

    For calculating the total line value (quantity x sell) if there is a "box quantity" involved then the calculation is:

    Borders->Dimsoldfor * VAL(Borders->Dimqty)

    Otherwise it's:

    Borders->Sellprice * VAL(Borders->Qty)

    In a formula tab of the relevant field object on the VB report the correct calculation would look like this for calculating the line total:

    If Borders->Dimcon = 0 .Or. Borders->Dimcon = 1 .Or. Val(Borders->DimQty) = 0
    Return Borders->Sellprice * VAL(Borders->Qty)
    Return Borders->Dimsoldfor * VAL(Borders->Dimqty)

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