Automatic Purchase Orders with No Items being created
Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2015 12:44 am
since we have moved to using automatic purchase orders based up stock level replenishment, I find that on every creation run I do (generally every week), I get at least one or two POs being created for suppliers that a) do not have any items attributed to them in the stock file or b) don't have entries in the back order system, so the PO is created for the supplier but has no items listed. ie it is a black PO.
Any ideas?
Also, is there any way I can create a hot key to active the "Skip to Next" command from the Toolbox in the PO screen. It is rather cumbersome having to use the mouse to do this. I would look the idea of hot keys up in he help file, but as my earlier posts shows, my help files are playing up under windows 8.1 pro and I cant search the topics.
since we have moved to using automatic purchase orders based up stock level replenishment, I find that on every creation run I do (generally every week), I get at least one or two POs being created for suppliers that a) do not have any items attributed to them in the stock file or b) don't have entries in the back order system, so the PO is created for the supplier but has no items listed. ie it is a black PO.
Any ideas?
Also, is there any way I can create a hot key to active the "Skip to Next" command from the Toolbox in the PO screen. It is rather cumbersome having to use the mouse to do this. I would look the idea of hot keys up in he help file, but as my earlier posts shows, my help files are playing up under windows 8.1 pro and I cant search the topics.