by COBS Tech Support » Fri Apr 04, 2008 5:19 pm
STKEYTITLE is a user defined indexing function for keywords and your OleDB Provider is probably attempting to report to you that it doesn't know how to resolve that index tag. Some things you might be able to try:
1. See if you can open the table without opening its structural index (but the Provider may not allow this).
2. Copy the STOCK.DBF file to a location without the STOCK.CDX and open it from that location
3. Turn off key word search in CAPITAL and run a Database Maintenance to update your index.
A fourth option coming soon is that we will be releasing a new product; an ActiveX/OLE control that will give users access to CAPITAL tables and scripting functions. If you use our control instead of the Visual FoxPro one, you should not have any problems accessing CAPITAL tables.