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Stock Alerts Not Showing

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2014 10:58 am
by JeffG
In Initial settings/ Alerts, I have ticked: Show Alerts Messages, Only Show When Market Special & Show Notepad.

I have restarted Capital.

I have ticked Special, on the stock items.

I have added Notes to the Items Notes section.

S/O and invoice are entered as normal, but the Alerts do not pop up. What have I done wrong?

Your assistance is appreciated. Thanks

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2014 11:30 am
by COBS Tech Support
When you logged back in after making configuration changes did you receive the message that configuration changes had taken effect?

If you're unsure, go back into the configuration area, press Save. And then restart the software.

Configuration changes aren't applied until all users are logged out. Even if you think all users are logged out, Windows may think someone is still logged in if a computer has crashed at some point. So confirm you get the 'applied' message.

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2014 4:36 pm
by JeffG

All due respect, but I had already stated that I had restarted capital and therefore, any such configuration changes had been applied.

However, I have resolved the issue. The online help guide only says to Show Notepad, so I assumed Notepad is the Notes section attached to the stock item. WRONG!

The help files should specifically state to put the alert note in the VIEW / PRODUCT STANDARD NOTES...... section.
